Vimukthi Kumarathunga is a rebirth of SWRD Bandaranaike,
Sihala Shasthra exposes.
It is our duty to have a constant discussion with the
researcher in order to disclose new findings for our readers. Due to secrecy, some of information given by
him cannot be published. While gathering
facts from our researcher within last forty eight hours, SWRD Bandaranaike’s reincarnation
emerged. We were excited about that
because of the former Prime Minister’s 53rd death anniversary would be held on 26th this month. We enquired about
the rebirth, then the researcher produced all
evidence he had to prove that Vimukthi was a reincarnation of SWRD Bandaranaike.
Veterinary Surgeon Vimukthi Kumarathunga, the son of
former president Chandrika Kumaratunga of Sri Lanka and the late actor-politician
Vijaya Kumaratunga, is a rebirth of his grandfather, the Ceylon’s fourth Prime
Minister, Solomon West Ridgeway Dias
(SWRD) Bandaranaike who was assassinated on 26 September 1959, Sihala Shasthra
expresses. SWRD’s reincarnation as Vimukthi cannot be a hidden
secret within the members of Bandaranaike
family, Sihala Shasthra reveals according to its researcher.
Vimukthi will be entering the Sri Lanka’s politics at an unexpected time as his father and grandfather, Sihala Shasthra emphasises with no doubts. As a well educated professional, Vimukthi will be involved in mammoth tasks in the country and playing a top level role in Sri Lanka’s politics. His time as a politician might be limited because he could frustrate with the long term politics according our researcher’s astrological and mathematical formula.
Vimukthi is descended from the most prestigious political
family in Sri Lanka. His grandfather SWRDB Bandaranaike was married to the
world first female Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike. His mother
Chandrika Bandaranayaka Kumaratunga, the first ever Sri Lanka’s female executive
President, is the first person in the world to be daughter of two premier
ministers, SWRD and Sirivamo Bandaranaike and the first to have appointed her
mother to the post of Prime Minister. Vimukthi’s father was also politician who
was assassinated on 16 February 1988.
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