Monday, September 24, 2012

Our researcher’s latest predictions.

·        An Islands leaders’ unity will be formed as a world association before 2017.

·        Olympics 2016 in Brazil might be unsuccessful in any stage.

·        Prince Charles becomes king in the UK within next 1000 days.

·        Prince William and   Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, become parents of a baby girl next year, but we guess that Kate may have twine.

·        Prince Harry will get married within next 1000 days.

·        An Asian origin woman will become a powerful politician in the ruling party of the UK within next 1000 days.

·        A female politician becomes a world leader within next 1500 days.

·        A young leadership will emerge in India within next 1000 days.

·        Olympics 2020 will be held in African continent.

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